So Steve says that I'm not mean enough to be a lawyer. Just to prove him wrong, what kind of a person would look at a little baby and tell him he's ugly? What type of person tells a senial old woman that her husband is not there because he was abducted by aliens? What type of person is nicknamed The Devil by a little nine year old? What type of person kicks dogs and throws rocks at little squirrels? ME! See, I can to be a lawyer!! Have you ever purposely tripped a coworker? Have you ever thrown mud at your own sister and then lied about it Steve Birn? NO. I bet I would make a better laywer than you, so there.
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You're an artist not a lawyer. Lawyers don't kick dogs and throw mud at sisters. We shake down people for money, there's a big difference. No, really, there's a big difference.
Could you be the Artsy lawyer who defends the bizarre 'rights' of artsy-fartsy-types?
You mean she could be a lawyer for the ACLU?
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